A tall wicker chair stands before a bamboo screen. A busty Asians girl reclines in the chair. She is wearing a black and basque and stockings which end in a black high heels. Her dark auburn hair falls to her shoulders, a curl of her hair glancing over the upper peaks of her breasts. One leg rests upon the arm of the chair, affording a view of her stocking clad thighs. Tina sits upright in the chair, hands liberating her breasts from the basque. Her large round breasts with their wide aureola impressive and outstanding. Tina slowly runs her hands over her breasts. Tina is wearing black thong panties that cling to her ass. As she leans forward her full breasts project forwards. The basque removed and discarded Tina leans back in the wicker chair. Her breasts are standing proud. Tina poses in the wicker chair on her knees, pushing her breasts outward. The panties are slipped down over her thighs and join the basque on the floor. While she teases a nipple between fingers Tina reaches lazily between her thighs over her stockings and to her neatly trimmed pussy. Leaving the chair she crosses the room to a bed and kneels on it, naked but for her stockings. Then she stretches, auburn hair falling to her busty Asians breasts, smile filling her Oriental face, breasts standing proud. Tina kneels on the bed provocatively, large breasts hanging free, her bare ass naked and inviting, pussy available.